HSL Business Portal
Helsinki Region Transport is the organization in charge of public transport in the Greater Helsinki area. In 2019, over 390 million trips were made using HSL’s services.
I worked on HSL’s new service offering, HSL Business Portal, as a UI/UX designer, collaborating with a service designer, PM, and the development team.

HSL’s strategy is focused on sustainable transportation, one part being to encourage residents to commute by public transport. To implement the strategy, HSL created a B2B service that makes it easy for companies to provide commuter benefit to their employees.
Additionally, recent changes to Finnish taxation, which makes employer-provided commuting ticket tax-free up to €3,400/year is projected to dramatically increase interest towards commuting tickets.
HSL had previously developed an MVP version of the service with a limited feature set and only one zone combination (AB-ticket). After achieving product-market fit and internal buy-in, HSL wanted to expand the service to include features that the pilot companies requested during the testing period.
Moreover, the MVP was built very quickly and thus had issues in digital accessibility, which needed to be fixed before a wider launch, to comply with the EU accessibility directive.
My first task was to conduct an accessibility audit for the MVP web app. After discussions with the team, we concluded that the most efficient way fix the issues would be to use the existing HSL Design System and the same components that I had already been working with on the other projects. In addition to fixing the accessibility issues, this way we could also achieve a more consistent user experience across the different HSL services.
During the project, I also designed features needed for a wider launch; self-service onboarding for both the companies and the end-users, multiple zone variations, the ability to have multiple company locations, and more advanced reporting to accommodate the needs of modern HR and financial departments.
Design methods used during the collaboration included journey mapping, facilitating workshops, UI/UX design, and prototyping solutions.
New beneficiaries can be added from the home page.
Reporting, which allows company admins to download data for further use.
Bulk editing the beneficiaries, which was one of the most requested features during the pilot.
Company page, from where the admin users can add new locations and edit other company-related information.
User flow for employees, from receiving the invite by email to accessing the digital monthly pass from the HSL app.